Hey Guys,
Well this post has been sitting in my drafts folder for a few weeks now. I had every intention of getting it up on January 1st, something in me kept putting it off, not knowing what I wanted my focus to be - should I recap my year as a blogger? Or list things I have learnt in the year 2017? What I hoped for from 2018? The possibilities were frankly overwhelming and the writer's block soon creeped in.
Which brings us to today. Sunday 7th January, Friend's is playing in the background and I'm nursing a bad cold that has kept me in bed all day. I have made it to the sofa in the attempt to write this post!
I feel that we have, as a society, learnt many lessons in 2017, from politics to pop culture. However, it's not how hated the American President is or who won Bake Off that really interests me. It is us humans and the interactions I have had, that have had an impact on me the most over the past year.
2017 was a year I really learned what I was willing to put up with when it came to men (spoiler: not much!) though I very much enjoyed writing about it in my post about surviving dating in the 21st century. It's this post that drove me to a mini series of think-pieces inspired by some of my favourite bloggers such as Chloe Plumstead. I loved sharing my experiences of diversity within the blogging industry and opening up about the importance of friendship in my life.
I also discovered what was really driving me career wise. I found comfort in having control of my destiny when it came to my blog. Many exciting opportunities came my way from my first hotel review on the beautiful island of Procida, Italy, to being asked to review restaurants in Harrods [:o] and heading to the Jingle Bell Ball with Debenhams! It was at these events that I met some wonderful bloggers and pr people who were so quick to be friendly, show support and take me under their wing. It will never cease to amaze me how supportive and open the blogging industry can be. Though we have had some lows when it came to things like Instagram engagement and "Twitter beef", there has also been some high's when it came to supporting each other - I feel like there is always someone in my insta-stories giving a shout out to another blogger or a positive new "Twitter tag" being passed around.
I also loved feeling as though I made some real life blogger friends that many I was able to meet in 2017! The beautiful women of my mixed race bloggers post who I had a lot of ball pit fun with, to those who I have yet to meet but whom I continue to exchange supportive words with like Eva and Nat.
My proudest accomplishment was a project I completed with My Favourite Sale. I curated my own fashion show of some amazing black-owned brands! The show took place at Barclays in Canary Wharf. It was surreal to see something come together at such an important venue with wonderful deserving people. The show gave many of the start-up designers a huge confident boost and a great platform which has spring boarded them into some great projects.
I collaborated with the talented Justina and Osman in 2017, who, between them, took the majority of my blog and Instagram photos this year, helping me to step up my blogging game *insert muscle emoji!* I feel that my blog would not be where it is today without their incredible skills and kindness. They are both brilliant!
And finally, I guess in my personal life, I learned a fair bit. I learned what it meant to be a good friend and what it meant to have good friends. I feel like I am slowly growing my pool of positive babes and slowly (but not necessarily purposefully) fading out a few negative energies from my life. This included not dating for the sake of it and splitting time between people who would split time for me.
I also learned that "family time" means a lot more to me than I once thought. I have always appreciated time and experiences over material things and Christmas 2017 and my birthday really showed me that.
And then I also learnt that I love a good life revamp. The new year hold a lot of significance for me, it is my birthday so I am turning one year older and I often have big trips planned for this time of year to give me something to look forward to that is not my impeding aging! This year, 2018, I have two trips planned (with lots of blog content to follow!) - 3 weeks in Italy and a month touring America! I cannot wait, and hopefully these memories I am ready to make will be a great distraction from the fact just turned 26 (EEK!)
For now, the only things I have set in my sights are flights, heights and long nights. Happy New Year everyone. Thank you for being here with me and I hope you stick around for rest of the year!
Eb x
All images by Justina Naravaite
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